viernes, 19 de junio de 2020



HELLO ! Esta es la prueba de recuperación de Inglés para la Evaluación Extraordinaria. Los ejercicios de esta prueba se enviarán hechos a mano y fotografiados a hasta las 14:00 horas de hoy viernes 19 de junio de 2020. Good luck!


A) WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Complete the sentences with the correct English word from the box.

stand out
fit in
stay away

1.              ________________________________  children get whatever they want.
2.              A company might ________________________________  a new product.
3.              A person can ________________________________  germs.
4.              Amy went hiking without a hat. Now, she is in hospital with ________________________________ 
5.              I try to ________________________________  from people I don’t like.
6.              Teenagers usually want to ________________________________  with the crowd.
7.              ________________________________  are jobs you do around the house.
8.              ________________________________  parents don’t have a lot of rules.
9.              It’s -10ºC degrees outside. Wear gloves or you might get ________________________________ 
10.           You’ll really ________________________________   if you wear that strange hat.

B) WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Complete the sentences with the correct English word from the box.

give up
ahead of time
point out

11.           Spies often ________________________________  their real identities.
12.           I’d like to ________________________________  that we don’t feel ready to perform.
13.           I’ll ________________________________  my bag of crisps with you. I’ll give you some crisps.
14.           It’s difficult to learn the piano, but don’t ________________________________ 
15.           This mission has a time limit. This mission has a ________________________________
16.           You would ________________________________  someone for causing an accident.
17.           We’ll have one last ________________________________  before the concert.
18.           What can you do to ________________________________  at school? Study before exams.
19.           What must you plan ________________________________  ? A plane journey.
20.           People fall asleep during a ________________________________  film.

2) GRAMMAR. (40)
A) REVIEW OF TENSES. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous. 
1.              I ...........................................................................................    a great time, so I ...........................................................................................    early. (have / not leave)
2.               .....................................................................   you .....................................................................   any castles when you  ...........................................................................................    France?  (see / tour)
3.              I ...........................................................................................    Jake when I ...........................................................................................    in a local café. (meet / work)
4.              The baby ...........................................................................................    while the babysitter ...........................................................................................    to her boyfriend. (cry / talk)
5.              My parents ...........................................................................................    when we ...........................................................................................    home. (not sleep / get)
6.              What ........................................................................    you ........................................................................    when I ...........................................................................................    ? (do / call)

B) REVIEW OF TENSES. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the Present Simple or Present Continuous. 
not forget
not rain

7.              What ........................................................................    you ........................................................................    tonight?
8.              Trevor ........................................................................    usually ........................................................................    my birthday.
9.              My uncle ....................................................................................   with us at the moment.
10.           I’m so glad that it ....................................................................................   
11.           I ....................................................................................    next weekend at my cousin’s house by the sea.
12.           Her name ....................................................................................    “beautiful” in Italian.

C) REVIEW OF TENSES. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple. 
not clean

13.           He ...........................................................................................    his room for a month!
14.           .................................................................................    you ..................................................................................    my keys? I can’t find them.
15.           Mark ...........................................................................................    a huge fish at the lake last weekend.
16.           We’re moving. We ...........................................................................................    our house last week.
17.           Where .......................................................................    you .......................................................................    all day?
18.           .......................................................................    you .......................................................................    at the new Indian restaurant yet?

D) FUTURE PERFECT / FUTURE CONTINUOUS. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 
19.           I hear you’re going to Paris. Where .................................................  you  ..........................................................................   ? (stay)
20.           The holidays are almost over. Soon, we ................................................................................  in the classroom again! (sit)
21.           I won’t be ready for the exam on Monday. I ................................................................................  all the material by then. (not learn)
22.           By the time we finish school, we ................................................................................  friends for ten years. (be)
23.           Please don’t call during the match. I ................................................................................   it on TV. (watch)
24.           The bus isn’t coming for another hour. By that time, we ................................................................................   to death! (freeze)

E) MODALS. Complete the sentences with the modals below.
might not
might not
don’t have to

25.           According to school rules, students ......................................................................  wear jeans.
26.           If you don’t have a good sense of rhythm, you ......................................................................  play the drums.
27.           You ......................................................................  smoke if you want to be a singer.
28.           You ......................................................................  buy the best piano in the shop in order to learn how to play. .
29.           You ......................................................................  have strong fingers in order to play the guitar.
30.           The first time you try to play the flute, it ......................................................................  make any sound at all.

F) MODAL PERFECTS. Complete the sentences with the modal perfects below and the past participle of the verbs in brackets. 
might have
should have
could have
would have

31.           Why didn’t you take my advice? You ...........................................................................................................  listened to me!
32.           I can’t find my phone. I ........................................................................................................... left  it at the shop. 
33.           I didn’t know you were ill. I ........................................................................................................... phoned  you.
34.           You didn’t do your best. You ........................................................................................................... tried harder.

G) CONDITIONAL SENTENCES / TIME CLAUSES. Use the sentences in the box to form conditional sentences.

he’ll be in danger
the new James Bond film is released
I wouldn’t apply for the job
if you told her a lie
they are very careful
call the police

35.           I’ll be happy when ………………..
36.           If I were you, ………………..
37.           If people think he is a spy, ………………..
38.           Kate wouldn’t know ………………..
39.           Spies don’t survive unless ………………..
40.           Unless you hear from pete soon, ………………..