viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020



HOY realizamos una prueba escrita sobre los contenidos de vocabulario y gramática de la UNIT 6. Los ejercicios de este plan de trabajo se enviarán a hasta las 13:20 de hoy 8 de mayo de 2020. El examen se puede imprimir o visualizar en PDF pulsando aquí. Sin embargo, se requiere escribir a mano en folio aparte la respuesta, indicando el número de cada ejemplo y copiando su texto completo. Es OBLIGATORIO poner en el ASUNTO del envío por correo el siguiente título: UNIT 6: LESSON 8.

1) VOCABULARY.  (12)

A) WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Complete the sentences with the correct English word from the box.

completamente nuevo
valor, valentía
conferencia, charla
ni rastro de

1.        A ________________________________  can be boring when you are not interested in the topic.
2.        I bought my books at a place that sells used books. I didn’t buy ________________________________  books.
3.        It takes ________________________________  to stand up for your beliefs.
4.        My bicycle was stolen yesterday. There’s ________________________________  it. 
5.        One ________________________________  that we benefit from  every day is electricity.
6.        Some people object to wearing ________________________________  because it’s wrong to kill animals to make clothes.

B) WORDS FROM THE TEXT. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. Do not change the original meaning.

stand up for
wipe out
figure out
speak up
make up
not expect

7.        Come to the demonstration if you believe in better education. Participating in the demonstration is a way to …
8.        He understood how to do this puzzle quite quickly. It didn’t take him long to …
9.        Her decision really surprised us. We
10.     It’s not unusual for young children to tell stories that aren’t true. Young children often …
11.     The world may lose 90 % of today’s spoken languages by the end of this century. By the end of this century, 6.300 spoken languages 
12.     Why didn’t you correct me when I said the wrong thing? You should have ….

2) GRAMMAR. (14)

C) REWRITE THESE SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH. Use the word in brackets. Do not change the original meaning.

1.         “Have you ever watched a film on your iPad?”, David asked me. (WHETHER)
2.         “Let’s study outside today”, Emily suggested. (SUGGESTED)
3.        “I may come home late tomorrow night”, Jason told his mum. (TOLD)
4.        “I didn’t do the homework”, Steve admitted. (ADMITTED)
5.        “I’ll mark your tests this week”, the teacher promised. (PROMISED)
6.        “Please, switch off your phone”, the headteacher said to me. (ASKED)
7.        “Can we eat in class?”, Glen wanted to know. (WANTED TO KNOW)
8.         “Why did I get a bad mark for my essay, Ms White?”, Gina said. (ASKED)

D) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES IN REPORTED SPEECH. Use a suitable reporting verb from the box.

wanted to know

9.        “I copied material from Wikipedia for my project”. PETER …
10.     “These maths exercises were too difficult!” SHE …
11.     “You should get some extra help from a maths tutor”. MY TEACHER …
12.     “Students will have to wear uniforms next year”. THE HEADTEACHER …
13.     “Can I hand in my essay late?” JANE ...
14.     “Don’t be late for the school trip tomorrow”. THE TEACHER …